The photos below all have some connection – close or symbolic – with events in the novel Muddle-on-Marsh, travel book On the following Road or memoir Fleeting Street Street.
For instance chapter four of the memoir relives events hitchhiking – or compromising on the hitching a bit – in North America in the early 1970s. Compromise meant alternative bus travel was acceptable.
Chapter five of the novel concerns a battle late in World War Two.
The 1950s in Cyprus, or wherever, is another faraway, remote world now – for young men or women. It is too for those who lived through those years. Distant also all the other decades: the 1940s, 1960s, 1970s and onwards. Distant certainly, but still absolutely visceral and present too.
I happened to pass through them … and then.
The photos were taken by the author or his father.
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